nárast zelenej hmoty
85 %
nárast zelenej hmoty
zlepšenie klíčivosti a posilnenie koreňového systému
75 %
zlepšenie klíčivosti a posilnenie koreňového systému
Zvýšenie vitality rastlín v obdobiach klimatického stresu
60 %
Zvýšenie vitality rastlín v obdobiach klimatického stresu
efektívnejšie využívanie dažďovej vody a zníženie zavlažovania
50 %
efektívnejšie využívanie dažďovej vody a zníženie zavlažovania

Escube nahrádza funkciu niekoľkých samostatných produktov pre vitalitu rastlín a pôdy.

  1. produkty obsahujúce mikroprvky a biostimulátory
  2. prostriedky na regeneráciu pôdy
  3. prípravy na lepšie hospodárenie s vodou


Whether you grow geraniums, hibiscus, violets, or petunias and fuchsias, you want them to be vital and flower beautifully. So for all indoor and balcony plants grown in traditional pots, boxes and various buckets, we have developed a new product range called Escube Home.

Thanks to its unique composition, Escube Home will support the growth of the plants you grow in your home or on your balcony. Escube Home Balkonovky is designed for planting, regenerating and caring for balcony plants. It is very easy to apply and contains natural microgels that retain water in the soil. Thanks to Escube Balkonovky, you don't have to water as often, and your flowers will still bloom beautifully.

If you are growing flowers in your apartment or house, use Escube Pokojovky. This biostimulant is also easy to apply and can be used throughout the year. With this product, you can look forward to your plants being healthy, green, and blooming abundantly, and if you replant them, they acclimate faster and develop their root system better.

With ESCUBE HOME plant biostimulants, you can expect an increase in green mass and flower production and a reduction in irrigation.

These products are available in a 250 ml version, lasting up to 125 l of watering for houseplants and 100 l for balcony plants.

For more information on Escube balcony and house plants, please visit our e-shop.

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