Growing citrus fruits at home is becoming increasingly popular, and if you choose the suitable varieties, you can grow your tasty fruit over time. However, citrus has its own needs and only thrives in some places. 

What are citrus fruits?

Citrus trees are commonly found in tropical or subtropical climates and are evergreen shrubs or trees. However, they can also be grown in suitably sized containers such as large pots. Some of the best-known are the lemon tree, orange tree, lime tree, tangerine, pomelo or grapefruit. 

Which citrus fruits are suitable for growing in the home

The enclosed environment of an apartment requires specific types of citrus. Citrus such as kumquat, mandarin or calamondin (a cross between mandarin and kumquat) are ideal for confined spaces. 

When you buy your plant, choosing a mature, grafted and fruiting tree from a reputable seller is best. Of course, inspect it and make sure the plant is perfectly fine.

However, if you want to grow a lemon or orange from the stone of a fruit that you like, it is possible that with grafting, you may see fruit for up to 15 years.

Caring for citrus in the home

Caring for citrus trees in the apartment

Whether you grow a plant from a pit or buy a mature shrub, always use a citrus substrate and a suitably sized pot when planting and transplanting. Also, put a drainage layer in the bottom of the pot to prevent the roots from getting waterlogged. Repot the plant when the pot is rooted. Water the plants regularly whenever the top layer of the potting medium is dry.

Citrus plants like light, but tiny plants and plants, after overwintering, should initially be exposed only to diffuse light so they do not burn. You probably won't have a space in your apartment where the temperature will stay within 10°C in winter, but if you do, you can winterize your citrus plants and keep watering to a minimum. Also, avoid placing plants in places with draughts and sudden temperature changes.

Also, remember that the potting medium will quickly lose all its nutrients. And if you want your plants to thrive or even produce, you must fertilize them. It's a good idea to fertilize your plants during the growing season, usually once a week. From our range, we can recommend Escube for fruit and vegetables, which, thanks to its formula, will reduce the amount of fertilizer and water needed by around 50%. Plants will also develop significantly more roots and green matter, boosting fertility.

Remember to check the plants for pests and take immediate action with the right spray.

You will soon see your efforts bearing sweet fruit if you properly care for your citrus trees and provide them with sufficient moisture and fertilizer.