nárast zelenej hmoty
85 %
nárast zelenej hmoty
zlepšenie klíčivosti a posilnenie koreňového systému
75 %
zlepšenie klíčivosti a posilnenie koreňového systému
Zvýšenie vitality rastlín v obdobiach klimatického stresu
60 %
Zvýšenie vitality rastlín v obdobiach klimatického stresu
efektívnejšie využívanie dažďovej vody a zníženie zavlažovania
50 %
efektívnejšie využívanie dažďovej vody a zníženie zavlažovania

Escube nahrádza funkciu niekoľkých samostatných produktov pre vitalitu rastlín a pôdy.

  1. produkty obsahujúce mikroprvky a biostimulátory
  2. prostriedky na regeneráciu pôdy
  3. prípravy na lepšie hospodárenie s vodou


How to store harvested vegetables properly so that they last a long time?

Canning is good for tomatoes and cucumbers and for peppers try hanging them in a dry area where they won't freeze. Root vegetables could rot in storage due to improper preparation, so remove the leaves from beetroot. If you live in an area with a mild winter, you can leave carrots in the ground, but cover them with straw. In freezing weather, store carrots in boxes of sand in a cool, dry place, but out of the frost. Also remove the leaves from the carrots to prevent them from rotting. Place the roots in the sand, continue with the next layer and cover again with sand. Peat can also be used instead of sand.

Radishes are not suitable for long term storage, leave them in the ground in mild winters and cut them down as needed. In frost, store them in boxes, but they may not last more than 3 months. In general, it is especially important not to store damaged vegetables.

For potatoes, be careful of frost, store them in a dark room in an opaque bag in a frost-free place. Dry onions, shallots and garlic before storing so that they do not rot. Store celery in a box of moist soil in an area away from frost.

Vegetables that are harder to store are cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and Brussels sprouts. It is recommended to freeze these vegetables




Source: https://zahradkarskaporadna.cz/clanek-299679-spravne-uskladnena-zelenina-dlouho-vydrzi?fbclid=IwAR05XYUr9Scn77E3-yw67mnj9pEZQzO9Zry0bIsJ-csHHxvkb-t5kCIXK5Y


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